Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A left turn and a nose dive

ThugEsqX: I'm not your average idiot.

Iceblueyedbabe37: I've always known who I am...except for that one college party
MKinLA2007: hahaha Icey

Noleslaw: jazz? There's a bus leaving Seattle in 90 minutes. Be under it.

Mike Hunt Berns: Oh hell, you're all bitches.

ThugEsqX: i never lie............i mislead.....lying is for ameteurs..............

Alicia Huberman: i like when the room is all about me

FIRM ATTORNEY: i'm not offended, i had my emotions removed in pre law

Silveroro: i think the expression 'my bad' is really indicative of the final decline of western civilization

Anastmosis: I must be tired, I dont get you people

DC Dream Is Back: Brillo...I cudn't agree more wit cha!
BriIiantBrunet1: agreeing with me ...that's practically foreplay

OhbIigatorySN: I was doing quite well flirting with Brandi until it was uncovered she was a real person.

MayorMcDreamy: she's immoral
SlkStockngsNLace: neener neener
MKinLA2007: I'd bet all of Sum's money Mayor is jazz
MayorMcDreamy: Cuch.........there is no such thing as a moral whore
LegallyBlonde46: Slk - you're immoral I tell you!
Shamrocksnlace51: Murph lmao that would not surprise me in the least jazz has a twisted sense of omnipotence
LucyLishus61: hahahahha Mar, you need to put that on the site

Alicia Huberman: and the room takes a left turn and a nose dive

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